About Me

Hiya, I’m Kylie the Kiwi, based here in Sunbury with my 2 rowdy girls and supportive partner. I have always had a passion for helping others and sharing knowledge. I am a Massage therapist and Doula who is passionate about working with women and expectant mothers. I’m also a qualified Allied Health Assistant and certified Birth Educator with Hypnobirthing Australia ™️.

After the birth of my first daughter, I was left thinking there had to be another way. When I became pregnant with my 2nd daughter some very beautiful friends recommended I look into hypnobirthing. This led me to have the most amazing birth. It left me feeling empowered and healed.

This birth was my aha moment, it revealed my true passion and now I want to share this knowledge with anyone who will listen.

I desperately want all mums to have that feeling too, no matter what path their birthing journey takes them on.

We all have that right!

I started to teach the hypnobirthing Australia Positive Birth Program here in Sunbury and online, running group and private sessions. In 2022 I developed the desire to help on a whole new level, so I decided to jump into the deep end and studied to become a birth and postpartum doula, with the Doula Training Academy. I now offer doula support to families based within 1 hour of Sunbury.

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